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Join Us - Please read below for descriptions of the different levels for membership:

SCREENING of Artwork to BECOME  A NEW Associate or Juried MEMBER OF PWS: 

SPRING New Member Screening is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025 at Wilkins School Community Center. Potential new members must first register online for the event to be considered for membership. Works to be considered must be delivered, in person, between 12:30 -1:00 PM. Return for pickup of works between 2:30 to 3:00 PM. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection via mail or email. (DESCRIPTION OF MEMBERSHIP LEVELS FOLLOWS THESE INSTRUCTIONS:  READ CAREFULLY!)

1) For the screening, artists must bring 3 water-based media paintings, matted and framed "exhibit-ready"created primarily with water-based media on a paper surface (YUPO and Tyvek are permitted) and unvarnished. No canvas. No Aquaboard. Mediums include: watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, egg tempera. No pastels, no class work, no digital images, nor any form of print or reproductions, 10% collage only.  Again, works must be framed "exhibit-ready". No size limit, other than works must fit in the door and one must to be able to carry them. Generally, PWS exhibits limit work to no more than 48 inches in any one dimension. The screening panel is looking for a consistent level of professional quality painting, so it is advisable to bring 3 pieces representative of your technique, style, and subject in your usual work.

2) All applicants will receive a notification via email regarding their screening result within one week after the screening. Both Associate and Juried new members will be invited to exhibit in our Online New Members Exhibit, our upcoming Aqueous Open 2025 and to the general members’ meeting in October at the Wilkins School Community Center. New members will receive more information on PWS membership and exhibition opportunities with their acceptance letter. There is no fee for screening.

An applicant that shows good potential will be granted the entry level of Screened membership: Associate Member, and will be encouraged to re-screen for full Juried Membership at a later date. 

For additional questions regarding the new member screening, please contact the screening chair at screening@pittsburghwatercolorsociety.com



Associate, Juried, Signature, Honorary, Patron - Descriptions:

New Juried and Associate member screenings are held in the spring and fall of each year. To become a Juried or Associate member, one must register online and submit three works for screening in person.  Acceptance is by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.  All applicants will receive a notification email and/or letter regarding their screening result, approximately one week after the screening.  New members will be invited to the next general membership meeting and will receive more information on PWS membership with their acceptance letter.

Juried, Signature, and Honorary Members are eligible to submit work for the annual Waterworks members exhibit, to vote, to hold office, to receive class and/or event discounts, to serve on the Board of Directors, and to participate in any and all programs offered by PWS.

Juried and Signature Member Dues are $40 per year.


Associate Members:
Associate Members are screened members, 2nd tier just below Juried. Associate Members will receive notifications of all upcoming PWS sponsored exhibitions (except those for Juried members only, i.e. Waterworks), as well as classes, events, and workshops and may participate at a discounted fee.

Associate Members are encouraged to participate in all PWS workshops and special programs. Associate Members are encouraged to volunteer and support PWS committees
Associate Members may participate in PWS Associate Members (only) online exhibit once every 2 years. Associate Members do not have voting privileges at general meetings. Associate Members are not invited to enter “Juried member only” exhibits.
Associate Member Dues are $30 per year.

Additionally, one can become a Juried Member of PWS (without screening or re-screening)by being accepted into two (2) PWS Aqueous Open International Exhibitions within a three (3) year period.


Signature Members: Signature members are entitled to use “PWSA” after their signature or name. Juried or Honorary members become Signature members after having been selected into three Aqueous Open International (Aqueous) exhibits within a five-year period, provided their paid membership is continuous from the first Aqueous acceptance through the third within that five year period. The first Aqueous exhibit acceptance must have occurred on or after the 2018 Aqueous exhibit, when our tracking of Signature memberships began. Signature Member Dues are $40 per year

Honorary Members: Honorary membership is conferred on a Juried or Signature member who has been a member continuously for thirty (30) years.  Honorary Member Dues are $20 per year.

Patron Members: Patron membership is open to all friends and supporters of PWS who wish to support the organization. Patron members receive notifications of all upcoming PWS sponsored exhibitions, classes, and events, but cannot participate in PWS members-only exhibits or receive PWS member discounts to exhibits, classes,  or other events. If interested in becoming a Patron Member, please complete the Patron Member registration below. Patron Dues begin at $25 per year.

Patron - $25.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: June 1st No automatically recurring payments

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