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  • 6/2 Addison Plein Air Event and Exhibit

6/2 Addison Plein Air Event and Exhibit

  • 02 Jun 2018
  • Addison, PA

Join your fellow PWS members for a day sketching and plein air painting in historic Addison PA! Addison is an hour and 45 minutes southeast of Pittsburgh along Rt. 40.

The artists in the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society are invited to be part of the Bicentennial Celebration of the completion of the historic National Road and Great Crossings Bridge in 1818 by coming to historic Addison PA for a Sketching and Plein Air Event. The Old Petersburg-Addison Historical Society will have maps that feature homes, architecture, toll house, school house, and cemeteries, as well a locations for rest rooms and places to gather. From 2:00-4:00 the Methodist Church will host a Civil War ladies tea and artists can enjoy sketching people in historic costumes along with the environs. 

The village is aware that the artists will be sketching and painting and will give access to property. Artists are asked to talk to interested bystanders about their work so the community can learn about art and the unique aspects of their village.

An exhibit of work inspired by this village and the history of the National Road will be announced for later in the summer.

Consider arriving Friday, June 1 and staying  for the entire weekend. There are many sights to see in the area, including Ohiopyle Falls and Frank Lloyd Wrights' Fallingwater. There are local B&B's available and Susan Johnston has also offered to host a limited number of people at her home on a first come, first served basis. Contact Susan and Bill Johnston if interested at susansjohnston51@gmail.com, 301-746-5354 (home), 302-531-5590 (cell).

Cost: $20 (half goes to the Old Petersburg-Addison Historical Society, half to PWS, feel free to bring a guest for no extra cost). Register here  by May 26. Pay securely online via PayPal, even if you do not have a PayPal account, or mail a check made out to PWS to:
Susan Johnston
839 Mill Run Rd.
Friendsville, MD 21531

Questions? Susan Johnston susansjohnston51@gmail.com, 301-746-5354 (home), 302-531-5590 (cell)

Itinerary for Saturday, June 2:

8:00 AM or later      Park at the Methodist Church and meet at the Augustine history house at the corner of Tannery Lane and the Old National Road to pick up maps, snacks and water. Then go explore and paint!

2:00-4:00 PM           Civil War ladies tea (in costume) at the Methodist Church

5:00-7:00 PM           Reception and arts discussion at the home of Bill and Susan Johnston at
839 Mill Run Rd.
Friendsville, MD 21531

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